Delivering a Great ExperienceMore than ever, today’s contact centres are being challenged by customers to provide flawless service in the customer’s channel of choice. This means, agents must have the tools, processes, and empowerment to quickly and accurately respond to and resolve questions and problems from customers. In this session, learn how Canada Post delivers a great customer experience.
About Christopher |
Christopher Watchorn joined Canada Post in 2011 as Director, Customer Service Network Effectiveness with overall responsibility for internal and outsourced contact centre operations, as well as overseeing all aspects of consumer and business service including workforce planning, customer satisfaction, quality assurance, and reporting. Prior to joining Canada Post, he spent fifteen years with varied industries including telecommunications, financial services, and outsourcing in customer service positions of increasing responsibility. Christopher has championed and overseen the transformation of customer service at Canada Post resulting in significant improvements to customer experience. In his spare time, Christopher cherishes his time in Ottawa with his wife and their three young children.